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 ماشین آلات کارخانجات خوراک دام و طیور و آبزیان
 ماشین آلات کارخانجات خوراک دام و طیور و آبزیان
 ماشین آلات کارخانجات خوراک دام و طیور و آبزیان
 ماشین آلات کارخانجات خوراک دام و طیور و آبزیان
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Behgozin Moharek Machinery company

Behgozin Moharek Machinery Company has been registered in 2013 with the registration number 6149 after eight years of individual activity of managers and has started its activity.

The main services of the company are design and construction of production machines, factory installation, construction of sheds and light structures, electrical panels and construction of boilers.

We are trying to be able to design and produce new generations of machines for ready-to-eat food production lines in our dear Iran and to be effective in promoting the country’s machine-building industry.

All machines manufactured by Mohrak Machine Company have a one-year warranty and ten-year after-sales service.

One of the advantages of stimulating products is the design of the machine, which is updated in new styles, relying on modern science and technology.

Activities and services

The main field of activity of the company is the design and production of various machines for livestock, poultry and aquatic feed factories, flour and rice factories, etc., based on modern science and the needs of the target market with the latest method.

In projects from zero to one hundred, the design of the whole complex is done by Mohrak Machine Company, and the required changes in the project are made in continuation of the work and cooperation of the employer.

Features and capabilities

Equipped with machines for cutting, bending, lathe and drilling of all types of black, galvanized and steel sheets, as well as having experienced staff in various parts of design, production line, installation and commissioning, a valid one-year warranty for production machines and Ten years after-sales service is one of the benefits of working with Mohrak Machine Company.

ماشین آلات کارخانجات خوراک دام و طیور و آبزیان


Confirmations of our customers

Some customers of Car Drive Company

Damyar Golestan Livestock and Poultry Feed Company located in Aliabad industrial town
Abed Golestan Livestock and Poultry Feed Company located in Aliabad industrial town
Paytakht dane Company with two production lines with a capacity of fifteen tons each
Rame Golestan herd and poultry feed company with three production lines
Minoosabah Livestock and Poultry Feed Company

Another honor of this company is the honor of cooperating with the Italian company La Meccanica in the implementation of the first line of animal feed production in the capital of grain.

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